2016 Lionel Favre – Tempo Cortex


Vernissage on Thursday 9 June from 19:00 hrs

Man planned the world. The ability to make plans has a long tradition and is proof of man’s intelligence. Every plan has had its validity at some point and has then fallen back into the mass of inventions as a kind of artefact to become part of the human heritage.

Evolution itself is rhythmized, that is, the speed of evolution is made possible by various inventions based on the achievements of the cortex – the brain.

This can sometimes be easily understood by referring to the different stages of human development. From the Stone Age to the Iron Age, Antiquity, the Middle Ages, the Modern Age to the Atomic, Space and Internet Ages, these stages were always shaped by plans based on the inventiveness of mankind.

“Nowadays, however, it is no longer the intelligence, i.e. the cortex, that dictates the pace, but only the market”. (Quote Lionel Favre)

Until the beginning of the 90’s of the 20th century, designs and plans were predominantly still hand-drawn and thus also represented proof of talent but also skill of the individual. However, these virtues seem to have been lost in part through the use of digital media. This leads to the fact that nowadays only in the rarest cases hand drawn plans are made.

“But the original is missing, since the original now only exists virtually. We belong to the generation that has taken the step from analogue to digital. The art on the plans is the proof of this epoch and the question arises whether one has not also planned the world itself by the loss of analog plans.” (Quote Lionel Favre)

Text: Lucas Cuturi

Where: Project space Lucas Cuturi, Neustiftgasse 107/5, 1070 Vienna

Further information on the artist can be found at:

Lionel Favre