Einladungssujet paper friends web

The exhibition “paper friends” curated by Lucas Cuturi and held in the gallery “Papierwelten” of the Papiermachermuseum Laakirchen Steyrermühl from August 8 to September 20, 2010, was a meeting of nine contemporary Austrian artists.

Eva Beierheimer, Markus Hofer, Jochen Höller, Miriam Laussegger, Roman Pfeffer, Wendelin Pressl, Franz Riedl, Philipp Schweiger and Lea Titz.

As one of the most important materials of our civilization, the “cultural raw material” paper was the starting point or pivotal point for various disputes. The artists dealt with the various levels of meaning associated with the material paper and reinterpreted them in their own individual way.
The artists, some of whom did not know each other at all before the exhibition project or only knew each other from a visual point of view, sometimes also reacted to each other’s art and corresponded with each other.
The artistic techniques used for this were as varied as the different fields of application and manifestations of paper.

The exhibition was accompanied by the catalogue “paper friends” edited by Lucas Cuturi together with the Verein Österreichisches Papiermacher Museum Laakirchen Steyrermühl. ISBN 978-3-200-01930-0

Link: http://bibliographie.onb.ac.at/cgi-biblio/make_titeldetail.pl?ac=AC08224325%7C&typ=H

2015 Sommerfrische

Participating artists: Alexandra Baumgartner, Thomas Draschan, Stefan Draschan, Lorenz Estermann,