BÆD ART – Stylianos Schicho
„Junior Edition“
At the beginning of his relationship with his partner Antje in 2011, Stylianos Schicho began to explain and show some formal possibilities of the visual arts by means of various stagings of his bed linen. To this end, he arranged cushions, pillows and blankets in a variety of ways, including the differently designed bed linen on the shared sleeping berth. Whether angular or round, light or dark, Stylianos presented all design possibilities to his loved ones in this rather unorthodox way. The initially didactic idea with a humorous background gradually turned into a daily habit, which was then always captured photographically.
In the series “Junior Edition”, to be seen in the project space Lucas Cuturi, a temporarily limited section of 266 days or 38 weeks can be seen. This is the period from 28 May 2014 up to and including 17 February 2015 – exactly the period in which Antje carried out what is probably the most exciting joint project of the two, namely their child together. Since the junior saw the light of day two weeks before the calculated birth date, now 14 days are missing on the pregnancy duration normally indicated with 40 weeks.
Text: Lucas Cuturi
Exhibition period from 24 March to 12 May 2015
Project Space Lucas Cuturi, Neustiftgasse 107/5, 1070 Vienna, Austria
www.stylianosschicho.com, http://baedart.stylianosschicho.com