2016 in memoriam Käthe Zwach 1936-2016

When I recently learned that Käthe Zwach had left us, I couldn’t believe it at first. It was really a shock for me when I heard about it, which is why I have only now found the courage to write a few lines of farewell.
Käthe always made a bright and cheerful impression on me and as far as I know on all the others who surrounded her. She was a deliberate, partly critical contemporary but always positive.
I really have to thank her very much for giving me the chance to be one of the first to develop myself as a young curator. That was one of her special qualities, namely her open-mindedness towards new things and youth. Just as she gave me this opportunity, she also offered many young artists a platform to present themselves to the public through her gallery. Perhaps that’s why I find it so difficult to understand that she’s no longer with us, precisely because she had such a youthful disposition. For me, she was a very special older lady who I will miss very much.

Lucas Cuturi