Whereas in earlier times the depiction of food was mainly associated with terms such as vanitas and still life, access to this theme in the visual arts has changed fundamentally, especially since the second half of the 20th century. The reason for this is probably the surplus of food available at least in our latitudes. The fact that food is no longer regarded as a luxury good, since it can easily be bought at the supermarket at any time. This has inevitably led to a change in the way food is represented in art. Food has become a kind of information carrier for sociological aspects of our society and so it is with the examination of classical pictorial themes, whether they are profane or sacred.
Exhibited works by the artists: Aldo Giannotti, Marlene Haring, Markus Hofer, Sophie Hirsch, Roman Pfeffer, Wendelin Pressl, Liddy Scheffknecht, Stylianos Schicho, Philipp Schweiger, Christian Rupp, Daniel Spoerri, Erwin Wurm
Curated by Lucas Cuturi
Duration: July – August 2012
Exhibition venue: Museum Humanum, Fratres 11, A-3844 Waldkirchen/Thaya