Curated by Lucas Cuturi
At first glance, Britschgi’s works seem inconspicuous, but after a thorough examination they achieve great impact. Britschgi’s main interest lies in the nature of a thing. Often things are also absent and must first be supplemented intellectually.
The play of the “enraptured” reality – the picking up of different realities and the overlapping of several levels is therefore also the content of the work “Romeo and Juliet”. Seen from a small peephole, the world appears to be in order. A table is apparently set with crockery and pots. But this is only a fiction – similar to the one in Plato’s Cave Parable. If we look at the work from a different point of view, the artist’s intention is to realize that what he originally saw was only illusion, and that in reality the table and dishes are suspended from the ceiling on silk threads, separated from each other but at the same height.
The title of the installation, probably the most famous love story, is also an indication of the relationship between tableware and tableware. Although they are made for each other, they share the same fate as the two lovers in Shakespeare’s tragedy.
Text: Lucas Cuturi
Duration of exhibition: 3 November 2010 to 15 March 2011
Hidden Kitchen, Färbergasse 3, 1010 Vienna, Austria